Apart from the stingray that killed Steve Irwin, animals are pretty much innocent.
Let's look at the facts; animals didn't murder JonBenét Ramsey, or David Bain's entire family. They didn't cause 9/11, or vote in John Key. What have animals ever done to you? (I know some people have been, like, bitten on the face by a dog or kicked by a horse, but bear with me while we look at the bigger picture).
Act II:
The Rain Forest. Planet eaRTH. Mother N A T U R E.
What do these things have in common?
The consumption of animal products of any kind is ultimately leading to their total destruction.
I've watched about an hour of Cowspiracy so am obviously an expert. And what did Cowspiracy show me (other than a guy who, with no apparent job other than looking at the Greenpeace website and secretly filming people, somehow affords a really nice house)?
- Raising livestock produces more greenhouses gases than the emissions of the entire transportation sector
- Agriculture (such as cattle grazing and the production of food crops) is the leading cause of deforestation - an acre of rain forest is cleared every second!
- Raising animals for food is responsible for 30% of global water consumption, occupies 45% of the earth's land, and is the leading cause of; environment degradation, resource consumption, habitat destruction, ocean dead-zones, and species extinction
The true heroes? Vegans.
Vegans are literally the unsung superheroes of the present day (and I can say this because I'm not a vegan).
Yet people mock vegans relentlessly.
But why?
They are trying to SAVE US.
Making fun of someone for being vegan is like making fun of someone for cleaning up oil spills on beaches or nursing sick old people back to health.
While the rest of the population is taking a literal axe to planet earth's literal back, vegans are tending to the wounds. But there are too many axes and not enough vegans.
And check out this comprehensive list of things we wouldn't have if it weren't for planet earth:
- An inhabitable place to live
- Existence of any kind
- Julie Andrews
If the entire human population were vegan, there would be no more global warming, and the planet would last 1,000,000,000 light years longer, we would live forever, and all the bees would come back. I'm pretty sure I heard a scientist say that, no need to fact check.
The point of my writing this is not to convince everyone to become vegan (I have no where near enough faith in humanity for that - humans are b*tches), but to remind everyone that while you are enjoying your salami and your yoghurt, vegans are doing something to try to slow the world's eventual demise - maybe just long enough for another Adele album.